Shibanie Rose

About the Artist:


Born into a multi-generational Indian Military family, Shibanie Rose is an artist whose dystopian artworks depict the impending Destruction of the Earth. Her upbringing in a family that values discipline and service to the nation has shaped her strong sense of responsibility towards the environment and instilled a deep personal connection to it. 


She spent her early formative years living in remote parts of India, then relocated to Australia. She currently lives and works in Switzerland, where she continues to draw inspiration from the diverse landscapes and environmental initiatives.


Her artworks, such as 'Human Greed,' 'Nuclear Winter,' and 'Microplastic Contamination,' focus on the impact of human action on the future of our planet. 


Her Art depicts the consequences of irreversible Climate Change, such as extreme weather events, Wars and Pandemics caused by resource depletion and competition, Deforestation leading to loss of biodiversity and habitat destruction, Artificial Intelligence posing ethical and human survival challenges, and the rampant Destruction and Contamination of our Earth, Oceans, and Atmosphere through pollution and waste. 


My Story:


"I spent my early formative years in remote parts of India, where I lived with my family and often traveled to destinations filled with rich and diverse flora and fauna. I had multiple opportunities to visit and experience pristine forests, ancient temples, palaces, and fortresses with fascinating history, culture, and architecture untouched by the ugly side of uncontrolled and rampant urbanization". 


"Growing up, I revisited some of these places and witnessed with dismay the ruthless destruction of the once pristine environment around me."


"I could hear the loud din created by construction activity, the distressing sound of trees crashing, the disappearing flora and fauna, the smell of suffocating exhaust fumes, and the large amounts of plastics and dirty contaminants littering the environment. All of this overwhelmed me with a sense of helplessness and dismay that I can feel to this day." 


"These changes had a profound and lasting impact on my childhood memories. The once vibrant and diverse landscapes I had known were now replaced with concrete jungles and polluted air."


"This sense of loss and the realization that we are responsible for this destruction led me to start creating Art that speaks to these issues, hoping to evoke a similar sense of urgency and responsibility in others." 


Why do I create my Art?


"I created my Art in my imagination many years before feeling compelled to express my feelings physically onto a substrate and digital media." 


"My works often combine traditional painting techniques with digital manipulation, creating a unique blend of the real and the surreal." 


"This combination allows me to capture the beauty of the natural world while also highlighting the threats it faces. My artworks have specific colors and are primarily composed of chaotic and organized patterns, reflecting the complex and often contradictory nature of our relationship with the environment". 


"I never thought about making Art solely for aesthetic purposes but to fulfill a larger purpose: to help generate awareness of how uncontrolled human greed impacts all life on Earth, in fact, the very Earth itself."


"Through my Art, I aim to raise awareness and inspire action. "Each of us, in our own unique way, has the power to shape the future for generations to come." 


 "I invite you to explore my Art, join the conversation, and consider how your actions, such as reducing your carbon footprint or supporting environmental and educational initiatives, can make a difference." 


"Earth is Dying, and time is running out. We must act now before it is too late." Shibanie Rose