Virtual Exhibition Shibanie Rose: The Earth is Contaminated

10 April 2023 - 31 December 2024

"Each of us, in our unique way, has the power to shape a better future for our new generations. Use that power." (Shibanie Rose, 2018)


"My works often combine traditional painting techniques with digital manipulation, creating a unique blend of the real and the surreal." "This combination allows me to capture the beauty of the natural world while also highlighting the threats it faces. My artworks have specific colors and are primarily composed of chaotic and organized patterns, reflecting the complex and often contradictory nature of our relationship with the environment". 


"My  artworks, such as 'Human Greed,' 'Nuclear Winter,' and 'Microplastic Contamination,' focus on the impact of human action on the future of our planet.


"I invite you to explore my Art, join the conversation, and consider how your actions, such as reducing your carbon footprint or supporting environmental and educational initiatives, can make a difference."